2024 Webinar Series

Rolling Out E-bikes with a Safe Systems Approach

Originally presented: April 3, 2024

As the popularity of electric bikes increases, so do safety concerns. This webinar will be framed around e-bike use within a Safe Systems Approach and will highlight the current e-bike laws, data and latest e-bike safety training tools available. Additionally, attendees will gain perspective on how e-bikes further active transportation, health, and climate goals. Learn how e-bikes are helping people overcome known barriers to cycling and are attracting those who previously might not have considered cycling. Presentations will be followed by a robust question and answer period with the presenters.

Special Guest Presenters:
Tiffany Smith, Program Manager, Vision Zero Network
Ash Lovell, PhD, Electric Bicycle Policy & Campaign Director, PeopleForBikes
Kendra Ramsey, Executive Director, California Bike Coalition
Victoria Hunt, Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety, Education, Enforcement, and Awareness Program Coordinator, California Highway Patrol
Colin Chew, Research Scientist I, Unintentional Injury Prevention Data Unit, CDPH
Asha Weinstein Agrawal, PhD, Director of Education, and Kevin Fang, PhD, Researcher, Mineta Transportation Institute

Facilitator: Marianne Hernandez, ATRC NI Technical Assistance Team, Injury and Violence Prevention Branch, California Department of Public Health

Webinar Resources

Webinar Slides

Webinar Recording