Perspectives 2021 - Quarterly Webinars

Perspectives 2021 Webinar:
Diverse Perspectives on Student Safety Needs: Considerations for Safe Routes to School Practitioners

Originally presented on September 22, 2021

In this webinar, we explore variations on the theme of safety as it relates to students returning to in-person learning. You will hear from a select panel of program specialists, all of whom are invested in keeping young people emotionally and physically safe as many return to in-person instruction after a period of prolonged challenge and uncertainty due to the covid-19 pandemic and its impacts on typical student life. Learn how and why trauma-informed approaches may be used in the development of student-focused programming; gain understanding of California's Safe Schools Hub and the state’s ongoing efforts as schools return to in-person instruction; and examine strategies for how law enforcement organizations can support pedestrian and bicyclist safety in collaboration with other Safe Routes to School and active transportation partners.

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