On The Move 2021

Perspectives 2021 - Quarterly Webinars

The ATRC's quarterly webinars provide the latest trends and innovative programming from experts in the field. The goal of the webinars is to enrich, improve, sustain, and build capacity of your Active Transportation Non-Infrastructure program. The webinars also offer an opportunity to ask questions and share successes.

Event Schedule

March 16, 2021 - Changing Transportation Behavior: What Really Works?  | View Recording & Resources

May 5, 2021 - May is Bike Month  | View Recording & Resources

September 22, 2021 -  Diverse Perspectives on Student Safety Needs: Considerations for Safe Routes to School Practitioners.    | View Recording & Resources

October 19, 2021 - Active Transportation Non-Infrastructure-Related Funding Opportunities  | View Recording & Resources