The ATRC is partnering with Nelson\Nygaard to pilot optional performance metrics that synthesize project-level benefits and easily communicate the impact of Active Transportation Program (ATP) funded projects on meeting local and statewide goals.
What is Counts+?
Counts+ considers how to make the program’s performance metrics more meaningful, while at the same time keeping the burden of work low for grant recipients. The technical assistance pilot is an opportunity for project awardees to receive support collecting and analyzing additional data to communicate the success of your project through pre- and post-project completion measurement.
The metrics will help to measure project impacts related to the Active Transportation Program’s overall goals of improving safety, public health, equity, benefit to disadvantaged communities, greenhouse gas reduction and climate readiness, economic impact, and quality of life.
Watch the introduction video below for more information.
Is it required?
Participation in the Counts+ pilot is optional and is not a California Transportation Commission or Caltrans ATP requirement.
This pilot program is for ATP project awardees recipients of Cycle 6 and earlier. These are not a requirement for Cycle 7.
Performance Metrics
Click on each performance metric for additional information.
The number of local organizations and agencies involved by project phase and the quality of those partnerships
The number of participants and people reached by the project and project engagement
The change in driver yield compliance to people waiting in crosswalks
The change in prevailing and excessive speed on a roadway post-implementation
User satisfaction with new infrastructure or programming
Coming soon!
Low-Stress Active Transportation Network Implemented
The number of miles of low stress active transportation facilities built compared to miles planned
Availability of Destinations, Opportunities, and Transportation
The number of major destinations, employment, housing, and transit resources near walking and biking routes and/or infrastructure
Use of Designated Crossing Locations
The change in travelers using marked and designated crossing locations