Policy and Planning

Developing standalone active transportation plans, adopting active transportation-related policies, and including active transportation in other local, regional, and state policies and planning efforts helps ensure walking and bicycling are integrated into transportation and land use.

In California, there are state level plans and policies that set the stage for supporting active transportation and enable local jurisdictions and regional governments to plan for and implement on-the-ground change.


UC Berkeley SafeTREC

UC Berkeley SafeTREC has compiled information on significant laws, master plans, and policies that guide decision-making to promote safe, active travel in California.

UC Berkeley

This toolkit follows the work of the Zero Traffic Fatalities Task Force (ZTFTF) and is intended to help local jurisdictions across California set safer speed limits that accommodate all road users using Safe System principles. This toolkit consolidates key research on Safe Speeds from the ZTFTF Research Synthesis by the University of California Institute of Transportation Studies, provides details on speed limit setting flexibilities under the existing California framework, highlights select speed limit setting case studies from cities across California, and points local jurisdictions toward next steps in pursuing safe speed limit setting.


A plan adopted by the California State Transportation Agency (CalSTA) in 2021 that outlines how the state will invest in transportation infrastructure. The plan’s goals include adapting to climate change, supporting public health, and aligning transportation funding with climate goals. 

Smart Growth America

This Action Guide is a resource for elected leaders, policymakers, and advocates interested in creating or improving a Complete Streets policy. Whether you’re sitting at the policy drafting table or calling for change as an advocate, this guide is designed to help you build a strong policy that protects and benefits all users. Complete Streets is an approach to planning, designing and building streets and communities that allow all people — regardless of age, ability, income, race or ethnicity — to safely, comfortably, and conveniently access homes, entertainment centers, schools. shops, health facilities, and other destinations by foot, bicycle, public transportation, car, or truck.


The Department uses “Context Sensitive Solutions” as an approach to plan, design, construct, maintain, and operate its transportation system. These solutions use innovative and inclusive approaches that integrate and balance community, aesthetic, historic, and environmental values with transportation safety, maintenance, and performance goals. Context sensitive solutions are reached through a collaborative, interdisciplinary approach involving all stakeholders.


This policy establishes Caltrans’ organizational priority to encourage and maximize walking, biking, transit, and passenger rail as a strategy to not only meet state climate, health, equity, and environmental goals but also to foster socially and economically vibrant, thriving, and resilient communities.

UC Berkeley SafeTREC

A webpage that covers the California legislation and vehicle codes related to improving roadway safety for people that walk, bike, or roll for transportation.

UC Berkeley SafeTREC

An inventory of local active transportation master plans, Complete Streets policies, Caltrans active transportation plans by district, and Tribal Transportation Safety Plans.


A planning guide that furthers integration of smart growth concepts into transportation planning in California.


California’s statewide active transportation plan.