The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) released the Active Transportation Program (ATP) Cycle II request for applications on March 26, 2015, to fund both local infrastructure (e.g. bicycle paths and pedestrian facility construction) and non-infrastructure (e.g., education, encouragement and enforcement) projects. ( The ATP goals align beautifully with public health goals and strategies for creating healthy, safe, and active communities, and the application for funding awards points to applicants for demonstrating that projects could decrease pedestrian and bicycle injuries and fatalities, increase physical activity, decrease childhood obesity, reduce asthma, reduce greenhouse gas emissions; and improve safe, active transportation, especially within disadvantaged communities. This webinar provided an overview of the ATP, and discussed how local health department content experts can best assist local applicants in developing competitive ATP applications.
Our mission is to provide resources, technical assistance, and training to transportation partners across California to increase opportunity for the success of active transportation projects.
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