Other Training Resources

Other state and national organizations provide training on active transportation topics. Some offer standalone training or webinars while others offer training with opportunities for technical assistance and other support. 

Visit the program websites for more information about specific programs and how to participate.

Training and Technical Assistance Programs

UC Berkeley SafeTREC and California Walks

The Community Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety Training Program (CPBST) works with local residents, agency and organization staff, and transportation safety advocates to understand a community’s walking and biking safety concerns and advance their pedestrian and bicycle safety goals. The CPBST is jointly planned with a local Planning Committee of community leaders, residents, schools, agencies and other safety partners over the course of two to three months. During the workshop, the Project Team reviews local crash data and the community’s traffic safety experiences, reviews an adapted Safe System approach framework and pedestrian and bicycle safety best practices, guides participants on a walking and biking safety assessment, and helps participants identify actionable next steps.

PeopleForBikes and League of American Bicyclists

Online, self-paced training on e-bike safety and usage.

California Highway Patrol

E-bike safety information and an online, self-paced training on e-bike usage.

Portland State University – Transportation Research and Education Center

This one-week course has trained nearly 300 professionals from across 30 U.S. States and abroad. It’s designed for transportation engineers, urban planners, advocates, policymakers, municipal staff and other transportation professionals interested in nurturing cycling in their communities.


The Implementing the Safe System Approach course is a new certificate-based blending learning course that will provide an in-depth understanding of the Safe System Approach and its application.

League of American Bicyclists

The LCI training seminar focuses on teaching and demonstration techniques when instructing a Smart Cycling class. The seminar emphasis is on how to teach bicycle safety and skills so as to provide increased comfort and confidence for new and returning bicyclists and youth. Candidates get hands-on experience during the seminar to practice facilitating parts of the curriculum, both in the classroom and on-bike.

California LTAP

Courses for practitioners on topics including:

  • Bikeway Facility & Master Planning
    Bikeway Facility Design & Safety Improvement
    Complete Streets Planning & Design
    Pedestrian Facilities: Planning & Conceptual Design for Accessibility & Safety
National Highway Institute

Courses on various topics including:

  • Bicycle Facility Design
  • Designing for Pedestrian Safety
  • Developing a Pedestrian Safety Action Plan
  • Innovative Intersections and Interchanges
  • Pedestrian Facility Design
  • Signalized Intersection Guidebook Workshop
Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center

Listing of upcoming and archived webinars related to active transportation.

League of American Bicyclists

Whether you are a new rider looking for tips on making your first rides more comfortable or you are an experienced rider who wants to teach others how to love the ride, the League’s Smart Cycling program has something for you to feel the joy of biking.