Non-Infrastructure Programs

Non-infrastructure programs include education and encouragement activities to provide community members with the skills to walk and bicycle safely, encourage safe behaviors by all road users, and generate enthusiasm and increased walking and bicycling.


California Department of Public Health

A resource developed to support the efforts of active transportation safety partners and stakeholders as they work to educate decisionmakers about where opportunities exist to adopt and implement trauma-informed practices and approaches. When social and environmental conditions are optimized to meet basic physical activity requirements, transportation needs, and an environment is fostered in which people and communities are able to heal from past trauma(s), individuals and communities can become more resilient.

Active Transportation Resource Center

Non-infrastructure (NI) projects use the 6 E’s (Education, Encouragement, Enforcement, Engineering, Evaluation, and Equity) as a strategy to further the goals of the Active Transportation Program (ATP). To assist in scoping out an NI project, the ATRC has created a series of fact sheets that define each strategy (or E) and identify common activities within that strategy that can be used in an NI project.

Active Transportation Resource Center

A factsheet on education activities, which teach walking and bicycling safety skills and promote the benefits of active transportation and complete streets. These activities can be adapted for different ages, abilities, settings and contexts.

Active Transportation Resource Center

A factsheet on encouragement activities, which generate excitement and enthusiasm for walking and biking.

Active Transportation Resource Center

Enforcement activities aim to reinforce safe behaviors. Enforcement is not exclusively for law enforcement officers. Communities can play an important role in enhancing traffic safety by helping to improve driver, pedestrian, and cyclist behaviors in several ways.

Active Transportation Resource Center

This factsheet describes strategies and resources for building equity into active transportation projects.

Active Transportation Resource Center

This fact sheet describes common evaluation activities for active transportation projects.

Active Transportation Resource Center

Engineering strategies change the built environment to create safer and more comfortable places to walk and/or bicycle. This factsheet highlights common pre‐ and post‐engineering activities, all of which are Non‐Infrastructure (NI) activities eligible for reimbursement under the Active Transportation Program.

Active Transportation Resource Center

This article aims to provide some context as to what is meant by Non-Infrastructure program sustainability and why is it needed, ideas for how to plan for it, and helpful resources for a more in-depth understanding of this important concept.