Safe Routes to School Programs: Benefits for the Whole Community

Title slides reads "Perspectives 2022. Webinar series. October 6, 2022."

Safe Routes to School (SRTS) programs have health and safety benefits that reach far beyond students. These programs extend beyond the trip to school, supporting safe walking and bicycling routes that connect people to work, food, parks, and other neighborhood destinations. In doing so, STRS programs provide benefits for the whole community.

Our speakers highlight their extensive SRTS work, building not only strong self-sustained SRTS programs, but empowering the community to advocate for safe biking and walking for the whole community. Attendees learn techniques to attract and maintain strong community partnerships and manage challenges when working with communities in SRTS programs.

Special Guest Presenters

  • Alisa Campbell, MPH, Active and Safe Communities, Santa Clara County Public Health Department
  • Jordan Grimaldi, Project Manager, Civic Thread (formerly WALKSacramento)


  • Marianne Hernandez, ATRC NI Technical Assistance Team and the California Department of Public Health
